
Monday, July 2, 2007

When Your Baby Doesn't Outgrow Bed-Wetting

By Kelly Kane

Bed wetting may not seem as serious as juvenile diabetes or a heart defect. But to Sam's family, the sleep disorder that caused his enuresis proved almost as dangerous as any life threatening-disease.

The pediatrician said Sam would outgrow his bed wetting. But at six years old, Sam was still waking up in the morning with wet sheets and a profound humiliation that even his loving parents could not displace. Forget about the inconvenience and extra laundry. That was nothing compared to Sam’s diminishing self-esteem and his parents’ guilt about “letting him down.” Shouldn’t they as adults be able to solve this seemingly simple problem? Why wasn’t their love enough? Then one night, they realized that their inability to solve his bed-wetting was putting Sam in the gravest of physical danger.

On a trip to Colorado, the family stayed in a second story motel room. In the middle of the night, Sam was found outside on the balcony. Alone. Like so many other nights he had wet the bed. But this time, he was more than a bedwetter. He was a sleepwalker. Terrified about what could have happened, his parents decided that the ineffective “bedwetting treatments,” drugs, psychiatrists and waiting for Sam to outgrow bedwetting—were just not good enough!

They wanted to believe the doctor who assured them that Sam would outgrow enuresis. But what if he got hurt in the meantime? As the bed-wetting (and now sleepwalking) continued, Sam withdrew into himself at school and became more and more detached from his loving family. He was inconsolable.

Conducting one desperate Internet search after another, Sam’s parents finally found the Enuresis Treatment Center ( They “met” with Barbara Moore -- the center’s director. By phone, Barbara helped the family understand that Sam’s problem was a sleep disorder, not about his bladder or anything they were doing wrong. Treatment began immediately. Sam’s personal counselor – Maryanne – set up appointments through email and phone calls and worked with the family every step of the way, bringing hope and results into their lives. Because they know at the Enuresis Treatment Center that each bedwetter is unique, a tailored program was developed just for Sam. It included bio-feedback and NO medication. Together with counseling, this protocol ended his vicious cycle of bedwetting and sleepwalking. In three months, both bedwetting and sleepwalking significantly decreased. In five months, Sam was no longer a bedwetter. He uttered three words his parents longed to hear: “I feel normal.” Now Sam has the potential to experience all the happiness and success his parents have wished for him.

Thanks to the Enuresis Treatment Center
To stop bedwetting for someone you love contact
From the US, call 1-800-379-2331.
Outside the US, call 1-248-785-1199
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